Essentially, one is catechized, baptized and mentored in the discipleship of Jesus Christ, according to the Apostolic tradition handed down to us from the earliest days of the Faith. In these times, we often refer to it as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, or RCIA for short. If you are interested in preparing for Baptism or you are baptized in a Christian faith and interested in becoming Catholic or if you are in need of First Holy Communion and or Confirmation, we can assist you in your journey to Becoming Catholic.
Simply contact our Parish Office so that we can say hello and help you. All of us are here to help spread the Word, live the Faith, and hopefully to be living saints.
For more information contact:
Deacon Mike Talbot by email [email protected] or call 985-892-1439
Meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 6 pm in the Library. There is no registration fee, just bring yourself and join us.