The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Family Fraternal Organization for practicing Catholic men eighteen years and older. Find out more at the National Website for the Knights of Columbus.
Our mission is to promote the four principles of the order: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. We support the Parish in her mission, the Church at large, help the needy, promote pro-life causes, and work with unifying the community. The Knight of Columbus also provides Color Corps for various functions (funerals, mass, etc.).
Knights of Columbus meetings are the 2nd Thursday of the month at St. Joseph Hall and begin at 6:30 pm with the praying of the Rosary.
Our Council is named for our patroness, St. Jane de Chantal, Council #12529. Grand Knight is David Myers.
We also have a 4th Degree Assembly, our patriotic order and the Assembly is named for St. Padre Pio, Assembly #2711. Daryl Allen is our Faithful Navigator.
Contact the Office for more information or simply talk to one of our 150+ members of the Knights of Columbus.
Blessed Michael J. McGivney, pray for us.